EvoPdfClient Namespace

EVO PDF Client for .NET Framework
This namespace defines the EVO PDF Client API for .NET Framework which allows you to create, read, edit and save PDF documents in your .NET applications

Public classAuthenticationOptions
Authentication options for accessing a URL in HTML to PDF converter like Integrated Windows Authentication in IIS.
Public classBezierCurveElement
Represents a Bezier curve element to be rendered in a PDF document
Public classBookmark
This class represents a bookmark in the PDF document used to outline a section of the PDF document
Public classCircleElement
This class represents a circle element that can be added to a PDF document
Public classContextImpersonationOptions
This class encapsulates the options to control the context impersonation during tool execution
Public classConversionSummary
Offers summary information after the HTML to PDF conversion
Public classDateAndTime
Encapsulates the date and time
Public classDigitalSignatureElement
Represents a digital signature in the PDF document
Public classDocument
This class encapsulates a PDF document and can be used to create a new PDF document or to load an existing PDF document
Public classElementsRenderer
Base class for classes capable of rendering page elements
Public classEllipseArcElement
Represents an ellipse arc element
Public classEllipseElement
This class represents an ellipse element that can be added to a PDF document
Public classEllipseSliceElement
This class represents an ellipse slice element that can be added to a PDF document
Public classExcelToPdfConverter
This class is the main class of the Excel to PDF Converter which offers the necessary methods to create a PDF document from an Excel file or an Excel document data. The generated PDF document can be saved into a memory buffer or into a file
Public classExcelToPdfDocumentOptions
This class encapsulates the options to control the PDF document redering process. The ExcelToPdfConverter class define a reference to an object of this type.
Public classExplicitDestination
Represents a destination in the PDF document for links, bookmarks and other interactive PDF features.
Public classExtractedImage
This class encapsulates an image extracted from a PDF page
Public classFileAttachmentElement
This class represents a file attachment in the PDF document
Public classFileLinkElement
This class represents a link to an external file in a PDF document
Public classFindTextLocation
This class represents the location of a text in a PDF page
Public classGradientColor
Used to fill a shape
Public classHtmlDocumentInfo
This class encapsulates the information about a converted HTML document like title, keywords, description and subject.
Public classHtmlElementMapping
Represents the mapping of a HTML element in the PDF document as collection of PDF rectangles. A HTML element can span on many pages in the generated PDF document and therefore, in general, many PDF rectangles are necessary to completely describe the mapping of a HTML element in PDF
Public classHtmlElementMappingsCollection
Represents a collection of mappings of HTML elements in PDF
Public classHtmlElementsMappingOptions
Defines the necessary API to retrieve the positions in the generated PDF document for the HTML elements specified in a list. The HTML elements to map are specified by the CSS selectors given by the HtmlElementSelectors property or by the special HTML attributes in HTML document
Public classHtmlToImageConverter
This class offers the necessary methods to create a raster image from a web page at given URL or from a HTML string. The generated image can be saved into a memory buffer or into a file
Public classHtmlToImageElement
This class encapsulates a HTML to Image converter. The HTML to Image conversion is performed when the element is added to a PDF page. The resulted image is embedded in the PDF document.
Public classHtmlToPdfConverter
This class is the main class of the HTML to PDF Converter which offers the necessary methods to create a PDF document from a web page at given URL or from a HTML string. The generated PDF document can be saved into a memory buffer or into a file
Public classHtmlToPdfElement
This class encapsulates a HTML to PDF converter functionality. Objects of this class can be added at any location in a PDF page or Template to render HTML. The conversion is performed when the element is added to a page or Template.
Public classHtmlToPdfVariableElement
This class encapsulates a HTML to PDF converter functionality. Objects of this class can be added at any location in a Template to render HTML. A conversion is performed for each PDF page where the Template is rendered.
Public classHtmlToSvgConverter
This class offers the necessary methods to create a SVG document from a web page at given URL or from a HTML string. The generated SVG document can be saved into a memory buffer or into a file
Public classImageElement
Objects of this class can be added to a PDF document to render images
Public classImageExtractedEventArgs
This class encapsulates the ImageExtractedEvent event args
Public classImpersonationOptions
This class encapsulates the options to control the HTML converter impersonation during navigation
Public classInternalLinkElement
This class represents an internal link element in the PDF document which can be used to connect various sections of a PDF document
Public classLineElement
This class represents a line element that can be added to a PDF document
Public classLineStyle
The line style for a graphic element which draws lines
Public classLinkUrlElement
This class represents a link to an URL in a PDF document.
Public classNameValuePair
Represents a name value pair
Public classNameValuePairsCollection
Represents a collection of NameValuePair objects
Public classPageConvertedEventArgs
The PageConvertedEvent event args
Public classPageConvertedToHtmlEventArgs
The PageConvertedEvent event args
Public classPageElement
This abstract class is the base class for all elements that can can be added in a PDF document
Public classPageGraphicElement
This abstract class is the base class for all graphic elements that can be added to a PDF document
Public classPathElement
Represents a graphic path element to be rendered in a PDF document
Public classPdfAction
Base class for the Go To, JavaScript, Submit Form or Reset Form actions
Public classPdfActionGoTo
Represents a Go To action in the PDF document.
Public classPdfActionJavaScript
Represents a JavaScript action in the PDF document.
Public classPdfBookmarkOptions
This class contains the necessary properties to control the bookmarks creation in a PDF document
Public classPdfDocumentInfo
This class encapsulates the options to control the PDF document description (author, title, keywords, etc)
Public classPdfDocumentOptions
This class encapsulates the options to control the PDF document rendering process. The HtmlToPdfConverter class define a reference to an object of this type.
Public classPdfDocumentTableOfContents
This class contains the necessary properties to control the creation of a table of contents in a PDF document based on the HTML to PDF and HTML to Image elements added to document
Public classPdfFont
This class represents a font in the PDF document that can be used by the text elements
Public classPdfFooterOptions
This class encapsulates the options to control the appearance of the footer in the rendered PDF document. The HtmlToPdfConverter class exposes a a reference to an object of this type in PdfFooterOptions property. If the ShowFooter property of the PdfDocumentOptions object exposed by the PdfDocumentOptions property is false, the footer options have no effect.
Public classPdfForm
This class represents the PDF form of a PDF document
Public classPdfFormAutoFieldStyle
This class offers the necessary properties and methods to control the style of the automatically generated PDF form fields
Public classPdfFormButton
Represents a button in a PDF form
Public classPdfFormCheckBox
Represents a check box in a PDF form
Public classPdfFormComboBox
Represents a combo box in a PDF form
Public classPdfFormField
This class represents a field in the PDF form of a PDF document
Public classPdfFormFieldStyle
This class represents the style of a PDF form field in a PDF document
Public classPdfFormListBox
Represents a list box in a PDF form
Public classPdfFormOptions
This class contains the properties to control the automatic conversion of a HTML form into a fillable PDF form
Public classPdfFormRadioButton
Represents a radio button in a radio buttons group
Public classPdfFormRadioButtonsGroup
Represents a group of radio buttons in a PDF form
Public classPdfFormTextBox
Represents a text box in a PDF form
Public classPdfHeaderOptions
This class encapsulates the options to control the appearance of the header in the rendered PDF document. The HtmlToPdfConverter class exposes a a reference to an object of this type in PdfHeaderOptions property. If the ShowHeader property of the PdfDocumentOptions object exposed by the PdfDocumentOptions property is false, the header options have no effect.
Public classPdfImagesExtractor
This class encapsulates the PDF Images Extractor functionality and allows you to extract the images from a PDF document
Public classPdfMargins
This class represents the dimensions of the margins of a PDF page
Public classPdfPage
Represents a PDF document page
Public classPdfPageHtml
This class encapsulates the HTML rendering of a PDF page
Public classPdfPageImage
This class encapsulates the image of a PDF page
Public classPdfPageSize
This class represents a PDF page size.
Public classPdfRectangle
Represents the rectangle in a page of the generated PDF document
Public classPdfResetFormAction
Represents a Reset action in a PDF form
Public classPdfSecurityOptions
This class encapsulates the options to control the PDF document security options
Public classPdfSubmitFormAction
Represents a Submit action in a PDF form
Public classPdfToHtmlConverter
This class encapsulates the PDF to HTML Converter functionality and allows you to convert the PDF document pages to HTML documents
Public classPdfToImageConverter
This class encapsulates the PDF to Image Converter functionality and allows you to convert the PDF document pages to images
Public classPdfToolsDocumentInfo
This class encapsulates various properties of the PDF document being converted or searched
Public classPdfToTextConverter
This class encapsulates the PDF to Text Converter functionality and allows you to extract the text from PDF documents and to search text in PDF documents
Public classPointFloat
Represents a point with floating point coordinates
Public classPolygonElement
Represents a polygon in a PDF document
Public classProxyOptions
This class represents the various proxy settings that can be used to resolve the requests
Public classRectangleElement
This class represents a rectangle in a PDF document
Public classRectangleFloat
Represents a rectangle with floating point coordinates
Public classRgbColor
Represents a RGB color
Public classSizeFloat
Represents a size object with floating point width and height
Public classSoundLinkElement
Represents a link to a sound file in PDF
Public classTableOfContentsOptions
This class contains the necessary properties to control the automatic creation of a table of contents in a PDF document
Public classTemplate
Represents a template element which can be repeated in all PDF document pages. You can use variables like current PDF page number and the total number of PDF pages in a template.
Public classTextElement
Represents a text element to be added to a PDF page or template
Public classTextNoteElement
Represents a text annotation in the PDF page.
Public classUnitsConverter
Converts between various graphic units (pixels, points, etc).
Public classViewerPreferences
Represents the viewer preferences of the PDF document generated by the HTML to PDF converter
Public classWordToPdfConverter
This class is the main class of the Word to PDF Converter which offers the necessary methods to create a PDF document from a Word file or a Word document data. The generated PDF document can be saved into a memory buffer or into a file
Public classWordToPdfDocumentOptions
This class encapsulates the options to control the PDF document redering process. The WordToPdfConverter class define a reference to an object of this type.

Public delegateImageExtractedEventHandler
The ImageExtractedEvent event delegate
Public delegatePageConvertedEventHandler
The PageConvertedEvent event delegate
Public delegatePageConvertedToHtmlEventHandler
The PageConvertedEvent event delegate

Public enumerationBlending
The blending function for transparent rendering mode.
Public enumerationColorProfile
This enumeration represents the color profiles of PDF document
Public enumerationColorSpace
This enumeration contains the possible color spaces of a PDF document
Public enumerationContextImpersonationLogonMode
The logon mode for impersonation
Public enumerationDestinationViewMode
The view mode when an explicit destination is displayed in the viewer.
Public enumerationEncryptionAlgorithm
This enumeration contains the possible values of the encryption algorithm used to encrypt a PDF document
Public enumerationEncryptionKeySize
This enumeration contains the possible values of the length of the encryption key used to encrypt a PDF document
Public enumerationFileAttachmentIcon
This enumeration contains the possible types of icons used in PDF to mark a file attachment
Public enumerationGradientDirection
This enumeration represents the possible directions of the gradient color in a PDF document
Public enumerationHorizontalTextAlign
This enumeration contains the possible values of the horizontal alignment of the text in PDF documents.
Public enumerationImageType
The possible image formats
Public enumerationImpersonationLogonMode
The logon mode for impersonation
Public enumerationLineCapStyle
The line cap style
Public enumerationLineDashStyle
Specifies the style of a dashed line.
Public enumerationLineJoinStyle
This enumeration represents the possible styles to join the lines in a PDF document
Public enumerationNetworkProxyType
The type of proxy used by converter to resolve requests
Public enumerationPdfBookmarkStyle
This enumeration represents the possible styles of a bookmark in a PDF document
Public enumerationPdfBorderStyle
This enumeration represents the possible border styles in a PDF document
Public enumerationPdfCompressionLevel
This enumeration represents the possible compression levels that can be used when a PDF document is saved
Public enumerationPdfFormSubmitFlags
The submit form action flags to be combined to express various characteristics of the action
Public enumerationPdfImageFormat
The possible image formats
Public enumerationPdfPageImageColorSpace
The PDF page image color space
Public enumerationPdfPageOrientation
This enumeration represents the possible orientations of the PDF pages of a PDF document
Public enumerationPdfStandardSubset
This enumeration represents the possible standards used by a PDF document
Public enumerationRotationAngle
Standard rotation angles for PDF pages.
Public enumerationStandardCJKFont
The Korean-Japanesse-Chinese (CJK) predefined fonts
Public enumerationStdFontBaseFamily
This enumeration contains the possible standard font families in a PDF document.
Public enumerationTemplateAnchoring
This enumeration represents the possible anchoring positions of the PDF template in a PDF page
Public enumerationTemplateDocking
The docking style of a PDF template in PDF page.
Public enumerationTextLayout
The possible layouts of the resulted text
Public enumerationTextNoteIcon
Defines set of text annotation types.
Public enumerationTriggeringMode
This enumeration represents the possible modes to trigger the conversion of a HTML document
Public enumerationVerticalTextAlign
This enumeration contains the possible values of the vertical alignment of the text in PDF documents.
Public enumerationViewerFullScreenExitMode
Used in ViewerPreferences to specify how to display the document on exiting full-screen mode
Public enumerationViewerPageLayout
A name object specifying the page layout to be used when the document is opened.
Public enumerationViewerPageMode
A name object specifying how the document should be displayed when opened.
Public enumerationViewerTextOrder
Used in ViewerPreferences to specify the predominant reading order for text.