TextElement Class

EVO PDF Client for .NET Framework
Represents a text element to be added to a PDF page or template
Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace:  EvoPdfClient
Assembly:  EvoPdfClient (in EvoPdfClient.dll) Version: (

public class TextElement : PageGraphicElement

The TextElement type exposes the following members.


Public methodTextElement(Single, Single, String, PdfFont)
Constructs a paginable text element that will be rendered at the specified (x,y) position using the specified font. The height of the rendered text will be auto-determined. The width is the available width in page. The Unicode text is supported only for embedded true type fonts. A flag indicating if the font is embedded or not in PDF can be specified when the font is added to PDF document. If the text pagination is not allowed ( Paginate property is false ), the text will be written on current page, the rendered text height being limited by the available height on page. If the text pagination is allowed ( Paginate property is true ) and the text needs pagination (the auto-determined text height is bigger than the available space on page), all the text will be rendered using the necessary height.
Public methodTextElement(Single, Single, Single, String, PdfFont)
Constructs a paginable text element that will be rendered at the specified (x,y) position using the specified width and font. The height of the rendered text will be auto-determined. The Unicode text is supported only for embedded true type fonts. A flag indicating if the font is embedded or not in PDF can be specified when the font is added to PDF document. If the text pagination is not allowed ( Paginate property is false ), the text will be written on current page, the rendered text height being limited by the available height on page. If the text pagination is allowed ( Paginate property is true ) and the text needs pagination (the auto-determined text height is bigger than the available space on page), all the text will be rendered using the necessary height.
Public methodTextElement(Single, Single, String, PdfFont, RgbColor)
Constructs a paginable text element that will be rendered at the specified (x,y) position using the specified font and color. The height of the rendered text will be auto-determined. The width is the available width in page. The Unicode text is supported only for embedded true type fonts. A flag indicating if the font is embedded or not in PDF can be specified when the font is added to PDF document. If the text pagination is not allowed ( Paginate property is false ), the text will be written on current page, the rendered text height being limited by the available height on page. If the text pagination is allowed ( Paginate property is true ) and the text needs pagination (the auto-determined text height is bigger than the available space on page), all the text will be rendered using the necessary height.
Public methodTextElement(Single, Single, Single, Single, String, PdfFont)
Constructs a paginable text element that will be rendered in the specified rectangle using the specified width, height and font. The Unicode text is supported only for embedded true type fonts. A flag indicating if the font is embedded or not in PDF can be specified when the font is added to PDF document. If the text pagination is not allowed ( Paginate property is false ), the text will be written on current page, the rendered text height being given by the minimum between the specified height and the available height on page. If the text pagination is allowed ( Paginate property is true ) and the text needs pagination (the specified height is bigger than the available space on page), the height parameter will be ignored and the text will be rendered to the end using the necessary height. If the text pagination is allowed but the text does not need pagination (the specified height is less than the available space on page), the rendered text will be truncated to fit the specified height.
Public methodTextElement(Single, Single, Single, String, PdfFont, RgbColor)
Constructs a paginable text element that will be rendered at the specified (x,y) position using the specified width, font and color. The height of the rendered text will be auto-determined. The Unicode text is supported only for embedded true type fonts. A flag indicating if the font is embedded or not in PDF can be specified when the font is added to PDF document. If the text pagination is not allowed ( Paginate property is false ), the text will be written on current page, the rendered text height being limited by the available height on page. If the text pagination is allowed ( Paginate property is true ) and the text needs pagination (the auto-determined text height is bigger than the available space on page), all the text will be rendered using the necessary height.
Public methodTextElement(Single, Single, Single, Single, String, PdfFont, RgbColor)
Constructs a paginable text element that will be rendered in the specified rectangle using the specified width, height, font and color. The Unicode text is supported only for embedded true type fonts. A flag indicating if the font is embedded or not in PDF can be specified when the font is added to PDF document. If the text pagination is not allowed ( Paginate property is false ), the text will be written on current page, the rendered text height being given by the minimum between the specified height and the available height on page. If the text pagination is allowed ( Paginate property is true ) and the text needs pagination (the specified height is bigger than the available space on page), the height parameter will be ignored and the text will be rendered to the end using the necessary height. If the text pagination is allowed but the text does not need pagination (the specified height is less than the available space on page), the rendered text will be truncated to fit the specified height.

Public propertyBackColor
Gets or sets element background color.
(Inherited from PageGraphicElement.)
Public propertyBlending
Gets or sets blending mode for transparent rendering mode of the element.
(Inherited from PageGraphicElement.)
Public propertyCharacterSpacing
Gets or sets an additional spacing between characters.
Public propertyClipRectangle
The clip rectangle applied when the element is rendered in PDF
(Inherited from PageGraphicElement.)
Public propertyEmbedSysFont
A flag indicating if the font associated with this text element should be embedded in the generated PDF document
Public propertyForeColor
Gets or sets the element foreground color.
(Inherited from PageGraphicElement.)
Public propertyGradient
The gradient used to fill a shape.
(Inherited from PageGraphicElement.)
Public propertyHeight
The height of destination rectangle in PDF where this text element will be rendered
Public propertyLineSpacing
Gets or sets the value that indicates the vertical distance between the baselines of adjacent lines of text.
Public propertyLineStyle
Gets or sets the line style for elements rendering lines.
(Inherited from PageGraphicElement.)
Public propertyOpacity
Gets or sets element opacity. The opacity is expressed as a value between 0 and 100. 0 means completely transparent and 100 completely opaque. The default value of this property is 100.
(Inherited from PageGraphicElement.)
Public propertyPaginate
When true the text can be paginated
Public propertyRightToLeftLanguage
Set this property true if the text is in a RTL language.
Public propertyText
The string to be written
Public propertyTextAlign
Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of the text rendered by this element in PDF
Public propertyTextAngle
Gets or sets an angle to control text counter-clockwise direction. The default value is 0.
Public propertyTextFont
Gets or sets the font of the text rendered by this element in PDF
Public propertyTextRise
Gets or sets the distance to move the text baseline up or down from its default location. Adjustments to the baseline are useful for drawing superscripts or subscripts. Positive values of text rise move the baseline up and creates a superscript text. Negative values of text rise move the baseline down and creates a subscript text.
Public propertyVerticalTextAlign
Gets or sets the vertical alignment of the text rendered by this element in PDF
Public propertyWidth
The width of destination rectangle in PDF where this text element will be rendered
Public propertyWordSpacing
Gets or sets an additional spacing between words. The words separator is consider the space character with code 32
Public propertyX
The start X position of this element relative to the PDF elements container
Public propertyY
The start Y position of this element relative to the PDF elements container

Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodRotate
Rotates the coordinate system axes clockwise by the specified angle before rendering the element. The coordinates of the element are relative to the rotated coordinates system.
(Inherited from PageGraphicElement.)
Public methodScale
Scales the coordinates so that 1 unit in the horizontal and vertical dimensions of the new coordinate system is the same size as sx and sy units, respectively, in the previous coordinate system.
(Inherited from PageGraphicElement.)
Public methodSkew
Skews the x axis by an skewXAngle and the y axis by an skewYAngle before rendering the element.
(Inherited from PageGraphicElement.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodTranslate
Translates the coordinate system before rendering the element. The coordinates of the element are relative to the translated coordinate system.
(Inherited from PageGraphicElement.)
See Also
