WordToPdfConverter Class

EVO PDF Client for .NET Framework
This class is the main class of the Word to PDF Converter which offers the necessary methods to create a PDF document from a Word file or a Word document data. The generated PDF document can be saved into a memory buffer or into a file
Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace:  EvoPdfClient
Assembly:  EvoPdfClient (in EvoPdfClient.dll) Version: (

public class WordToPdfConverter

The WordToPdfConverter type exposes the following members.


Public methodWordToPdfConverter
Constructs a Word to PDF converter which will connect to localhost on the default port
Public methodWordToPdfConverter(String)
Constructs a Word to PDF converter which will connect to the server specified by IP or by name on the default port
Public methodWordToPdfConverter(UInt32)
Constructs a Word to PDF converter which will connect to localhost on the specified port
Public methodWordToPdfConverter(Boolean, String)
Constructs a Word to PDF converter which will connect to a web service URL
Public methodWordToPdfConverter(String, UInt32)
Constructs a Word to PDF converter which will connect to the server specified by IP or by name on the specified port

Public propertyClientProxy
You can set this property with an object implementing the IWebProxy interface to be used when accessing the Web Service through a proxy server. This property does not have any effect when using a TCP Service
Public propertyLicenseKey
Gets or sets the license key string received from the vendor in Word to PDF converter. If this property is null the converter will automatically enter in evaluation mode and a demo watermark will be displayed on the generated PDF document.
Public propertyPdfDocumentInfo
Gets a reference to the object to controlling the generated PDF document information like the document title, author, subject or creation date.
Public propertyPdfDocumentOptions
Gets a reference to the object controlling the conversion process and the generated PDF document properties. This property can be used to control the PDF document margins, PDF compression level, JPEG compression level, the PDF page size and orientation, the PDF document headers and footers, true type fonts embedding, fit width and stretch to fit, conversion to a single PDF page, append or prepend external PDF documents.
Public propertyPdfFooterOptions
Gets a reference to an object to control the generated PDF document footer options
Public propertyPdfHeaderOptions
Gets a reference to an object to control the generated PDF document header options
Public propertyPdfSecurityOptions
Gets a reference to the object to controlling the generated PDF document security settings like user and owner password, restrict printing or editing of the generated PDF document.
Public propertyPdfViewerPreferences
Gets a reference to the object controlling how the generated PDF is displayed by a PDF viewer.
Public propertyPort
The server port number
Public propertyServer
The server IP or name
Public propertyServicePassword
Gets or sets the converter service password. You have to set this property if the ervice is password protected.
Public propertyUseWebService
A flag indicating if the client library will call the Web service or the TCP service to perform the conversion
Public propertyWebServiceUrl
The web service URL

Public methodConvertWordData(Byte)
Converts a Word document read from a data buffer to PDF and returns the rendered PDF document into a memory buffer
Public methodConvertWordData(Byte, String)
Converts a Word document read from a data buffer to PDF and returns the rendered PDF document into a memory buffer. You can specify the password to open the Word document
Public methodConvertWordData(Byte, Int32, Int32)
Converts a Word document read from a data buffer to PDF and returns the rendered PDF document into a memory buffer. You can specify the page range to be exported to PDF
Public methodConvertWordData(Byte, String, Int32, Int32)
Converts a Word document read from a data buffer to PDF and returns the rendered PDF document into a memory buffer. You can specify the password to open the Word document and the page range to be exported to PDF
Public methodConvertWordDataToFile(Byte, String)
Converts a Word document read from a data buffer to PDF and writes the rendered PDF document into a file
Public methodConvertWordDataToFile(Byte, String, String)
Converts a Word document read from a data buffer to PDF and writes the rendered PDF document into a file. You can specify the password to open the Word document
Public methodConvertWordDataToFile(Byte, Int32, Int32, String)
Converts a Word document read from a data buffer to PDF and writes the rendered PDF document into a file. You can specify the page range to be exported to PDF
Public methodConvertWordDataToFile(Byte, String, Int32, Int32, String)
Converts a Word document read from a data buffer to PDF and writes the rendered PDF document into a file. You can specify the password to open the Word document and the page range to be exported to PDF
Public methodConvertWordDataToPdfDocumentObject(Byte)
Converts a Word document read from a data buffer to PDF and returns the rendered PDF document as an object of the Document class that can be further used in other operations requiring this type of objects
Public methodConvertWordDataToPdfDocumentObject(Byte, String)
Converts a Word document read from a data buffer to PDF and returns the rendered PDF document as an object of the Document class that can be further used in other operations requiring this type of objects. You can specify the password to open the Word document
Public methodConvertWordDataToPdfDocumentObject(Byte, Int32, Int32)
Converts a Word document read from a data buffer to PDF and returns the rendered PDF document as an object of the Document class that can be further used in other operations requiring this type of objects. You can specify the page range to be exported to PDF
Public methodConvertWordDataToPdfDocumentObject(Byte, String, Int32, Int32)
Converts a Word document read from a data buffer to PDF and returns the rendered PDF document as an object of the Document class that can be further used in other operations requiring this type of objects. You can specify the password to open the Word document and the page range to be exported to PDF
Public methodConvertWordFile(String)
Converts a Word file to PDF and returns the rendered PDF document into a memory buffer
Public methodConvertWordFile(String, String)
Converts a Word file to PDF and returns the rendered PDF document into a memory buffer. You can specify the password to open the Word document
Public methodConvertWordFile(String, Int32, Int32)
Converts a Word file to PDF and returns the rendered PDF document into a memory buffer. You can specify the page range to be exported to PDF
Public methodConvertWordFile(String, String, Int32, Int32)
Converts a Word file to PDF and returns the rendered PDF document into a memory buffer. You can specify the password to open the Word document and page range to be exported to PDF
Public methodConvertWordFileToFile(String, String)
Converts a Word file to PDF and writes the rendered PDF document into a file
Public methodConvertWordFileToFile(String, String, String)
Converts a Word file to PDF and writes the rendered PDF document into a file. You can specify the password to open the Word document
Public methodConvertWordFileToFile(String, Int32, Int32, String)
Converts a Word file to PDF and writes the rendered PDF document into a file. You can specify the page range to be exported to PDF
Public methodConvertWordFileToFile(String, String, Int32, Int32, String)
Converts a Word file to PDF and writes the rendered PDF document into a file. You can specify the password to open the Word document and the page range to be exported to PDF
Public methodConvertWordFileToPdfDocumentObject(String)
Converts a Word file to PDF and returns the rendered PDF document as an object of the Document class that can be further used in other operations requiring this type of objects
Public methodConvertWordFileToPdfDocumentObject(String, String)
Converts a Word file to PDF and returns the rendered PDF document as an object of the Document class that can be further used in other operations requiring this type of objects. You can specify the password to open the Word document
Public methodConvertWordFileToPdfDocumentObject(String, Int32, Int32)
Converts a Word file to PDF and returns the rendered PDF document as an object of the Document class that can be further used in other operations requiring this type of objects. You can specify the page range to be exported to PDF
Public methodConvertWordFileToPdfDocumentObject(String, String, Int32, Int32)
Converts a Word file to PDF and returns the rendered PDF document as an object of the Document class that can be further used in other operations requiring this type of objects. You can specify the password to open the Word document and the page range to be exported to PDF
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
See Also
