HtmlToPdfConverter Class

EVO PDF Client for .NET Framework
This class is the main class of the HTML to PDF Converter which offers the necessary methods to create a PDF document from a web page at given URL or from a HTML string. The generated PDF document can be saved into a memory buffer or into a file
Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace:  EvoPdfClient
Assembly:  EvoPdfClient (in EvoPdfClient.dll) Version: (

public class HtmlToPdfConverter

The HtmlToPdfConverter type exposes the following members.


Public methodHtmlToPdfConverter
Constructs a HTML to PDF converter which will connect to localhost on the default port
Public methodHtmlToPdfConverter(String)
Constructs a HTML to PDF converter which will connect to the server specified by IP or by name on the default port
Public methodHtmlToPdfConverter(UInt32)
Constructs a HTML to PDF converter which will connect to localhost on the specified port
Public methodHtmlToPdfConverter(Boolean, String)
Constructs a HTML to PDF converter which will connect to a web service URL
Public methodHtmlToPdfConverter(String, UInt32)
Constructs a HTML to PDF converter which will connect to the server specified by IP or by name on the specified port

Public propertyAuthenticationOptions
This property can be set with an username and a password in order to authenticate to the web server before accessing the URL to be converted in HTML to PDF Converter. They can be used for example to resolve the IIS Integrated Windows Authentication or other types of IIS authentication.
Public propertyClientProxy
You can set this property with an object implementing the IWebProxy interface to be used when accessing the HTML to PDF Web Service through a proxy server. This property does not have any effect when using a TCP Service
Public propertyClipHtmlView
If the HTML content is not entirely visible in the HTML viewer of the HTML to PDF converter at the specified width, this property will control whether the HTML content is clipped or the HTML viewer width is automatically extended to make visible the whole HTML content. The HTML viewer width is given by the HtmlViewerWidth property. The default value of this property is false.
Public propertyConversionDelay
An additional time in seconds to wait for asynchronous items to be completely loaded or for a web page redirect to finish before starting the rendering in HTML to PDF converter. Default value is 2.
Public propertyConversionSummary
Offers summary information after the HTML to PDF conversion
Public propertyDefaultHtmlEncoding
The default HTML document text encoding to be used if there is no charset meta tag defined in the HTML document. By default this property is not set and an auto determined text encoding will be used by converter
Public propertyDownloadAllResources
Gets or sets a flag indicating if the HTML to PDF converter should try to download all the resources even if this could cause a slower conversion. The default value is false.
Public propertyEnable3DTransformations
Gets or sets a flag indicating if the accelerated CSS 3D transformations are enabled in the HTML to PDF converter. The default value is false
Public propertyEnableAccelerated2DCanvas
Gets or sets a flag indicating if the accelerated 2D canvas is enabled in the HTML to PDF converter. The default value is false
Public propertyEnableHttp2
Gets or sets a flag indicating if the HTTP2 protocol is enabled in HTML to PDF converter. The property has effect only in NE version of the library. The default value is false
Public propertyEnablePersistentStorage
Gets or sets a flag indicating if the persistent local storage is enabled in the HTML to PDF converter. The default value is false
Public propertyEnableWebGL
Gets or sets a flag indicating if the WebGL is enabled in the HTML to PDF converter. The default value is false
Public propertyExtensionsEnabled
Gets or sets a flag indicating if the HTML viewer extensions are executed during HTML to PDF conversion. The default value is false and no extension is executed. The Flash player for Mozilla Firefox must be installed in order to execute the flash content from HTML
Public propertyHiddenHtmlElementsSelectors
Gets or sets the CSS selectors of the HTML elements to be excluded from rendering during HTML to PDF conversion
Public propertyHtmlDocumentInfo
Gets an object populated after conversion with the title, keywords, and description of the converted HTML document.
Public propertyHtmlElementsMappingOptions
Gets a reference to the object that can be used to obtain the position in PDF of the HTML elements rendered by the HTML to PDF converter
Public propertyHtmlViewerHeight
Gets or sets the HTML viewer height in pixels in the HTML to PDF Converter . If the specified HTML viewer height is 0 the HTML viewer height will be automatically determined based on the HTML content and the HTML viewer width in order to make visible the whole HTML content. The HTML viewer width is given by the HtmlViewerWidth property of the HtmlToPdfConverter class. If the HTML content is not entirely visible in the HTML viewer at the specified width, the ClipHtmlView property will control whether the HTML content is clipped or the HTML viewer width is automatically extended to make visible the whole HTML content. The HTML viewer height can also be specified in the HtmlToPdfConverter class constructor. The default value is 0 to automatically determine the HTML viewer height based on the HTML content and the HTML viewer width.
Public propertyHtmlViewerWidth
Gets or sets the preferred HTML viewer width in pixels in HTML to PDF converter. If the HTML content is not entirely visible in the HTML viewer at the specified width, the ClipHtmlView property will control whether the HTML content is clipped or the HTML viewer width is automatically extended to make visible the whole HTML content. By default the ClipHtmlView property is false and the HTML viewer is automatically extended in width to make visible the whole HTML content. The HTML viewer width can also be specified in the HtmlToPdfConverter class constructor. The default value is 1024 pixels.
Public propertyHtmlViewerZoom
Gets or sets the HTML viewer zoom percentage in HTML to PDF Converter similar to zoom level in a browser. The default value of this property is 100
Public propertyHttpPostFields
Returns the collection of HTTP POST fields to be used when accessing a web page in HTML to PDF converter. If there are elements in collection then the converter will make a POST request to the web page URL with the fields from this collection, otherwise it will make a GET request
Public propertyHttpRequestCookies
Gets a collection of custom HTTP cookies to be sent by the HTML to PDF converter to the web server when the web page to convert and the resources (image, css, etc) referenced by the web page are requested. A cookie is defined by a name and a value pair that can be added to HttpRequestCookies collection.
Public propertyHttpRequestHeaders
Gets a collection of custom HTTP headers to be sent by the HTML to PDF converter to the web server when the web page is requested from a URL. A custom HTTP header is defined by a name and a value pair that can be added to HttpRequestHeaders collection. The PersistentHttpRequestHeaders property can be set on true to instruct the converter to send the custom headers each time an external resource (image, css, etc) referenced by the web page is requested. By default the PersistentHttpRequestHeaders property is false and the custom headers are not automatically sent to the web server when the web page resources are requested. The custom HTTP headers can be used to define cookies, authentication options, URL referrer or any other HTTP header to be sent to the web browser. The preferred method to send cookies is to use the HttpRequestCookies property.
Public propertyImagePartSize
Gets or sets the maximum height in pixels of an image part in HTML to PDF converter
Public propertyImpersonationOptions
The impersonation options applied during navigation in HTML to PDF converter
Public propertyInitialHtmlViewerHeight
Gets or sets the initial height in pixels of the HTML viewer in HTML to PDF converter. This value of this property is ignored if the HtmlViewerHeight property is set
Public propertyInterruptSlowJavaScript
Gets or sets a flag indicating if the slow JavaScript script should be interrupted in HTML to PDF converter. The default value is false and the scripts are not interrupted
Public propertyJavaScriptEnabled
A flag indicating if JavaScript execution is enabled in HTML to PDF converter. The default is true.
Public propertyLicenseKey
Gets or sets the license key string received from the vendor in HTML to PDF converter. If this property is null the converter will automatically enter in evaluation mode and a demo watermark will be displayed on the generated PDF document.
Public propertyLocalFilesAccessEnabled
Gets or sets a flag indicating if the access to local files is enabled in the HTML to PDF converter. The default value is true
Public propertyManualTriggeringConversionDelay
An additional time in seconds to wait after manual triggering before starting the rendering in HTML to PDF converter. Default value is 2.
Public propertyMaxHtmlViewerHeight
Gets or sets the maximum height in pixels to be rendered from the HTML document by the HTML to PDF converter. The default value is 0 and the entire HTML document is rendered
Public propertyMediaType
Gets or sets the media type of the HTML document used by the HTML to PDF converter. The default media type is 'screen'. If you set this property with 'print' then the CSS properties defined in '@media print' rule will be used to render the document
Public propertyMinHtmlViewerHeight
Gets or sets the minimum height in pixels to be rendered from HTML document by the HTML to PDF converter. This value of this property is ignored if the HtmlViewerHeight property is set
Public propertyNavigationTimeout
The HTML to PDF converter navigation timeout in seconds. Default value is 60.
Public propertyNavigatorUserAgent
The custom user agent to be used when accessing the HTML page. When this property is null or empty the default user agent is used
Public propertyPdfBookmarkOptions
Gets a reference to the object controlling the bookmarks creation for the rendered PDF document generated by the HTML to PDF converter
Public propertyPdfDocumentInfo
Gets a reference to the object to controlling the generated PDF document information like the document title, author, subject or creation date.
Public propertyPdfDocumentOptions
Gets a reference to the object controlling the conversion process and the generated PDF document properties. This property can be used to control the PDF document margins, PDF compression level, JPEG compression level, the PDF page size and orientation, the PDF document headers and footers, conversion of the URLs to links in PDF, conversion of the HTML links with anchors to internal PDF links, true type fonts embedding, fit width and stretch to fit, conversion to a single PDF page, append or prepend external PDF documents.
Public propertyPdfFooterOptions
Gets a reference to an object to control the generated PDF document footer options
Public propertyPdfFormOptions
Gets a reference to the object controlling the automatic conversion of a HTML form to a PDF form in the generated PDF document
Public propertyPdfHeaderOptions
Gets a reference to an object to control the generated PDF document header options
Public propertyPdfSecurityOptions
Gets a reference to the object to controlling the generated PDF document security settings like user and owner password, restrict printing or editing of the generated PDF document.
Public propertyPdfViewerPreferences
Gets a reference to the object controlling how the generated PDF is displayed by a PDF viewer.
Public propertyPersistentHttpRequestHeaders
This property can be set on true to instruct the HTML to PDF converter to send the custom headers defined by the HttpRequestHeaders property each time an external resource (image, css, etc) referenced by the web page is requested. The default value of this property is true and the custom headers are automatically sent to the web server when the web page resources are requested.
Public propertyPort
The HTML to PDF server port number
Public propertyPostScriptFontsEnabled
Gets or sets a flag indicating if the fonts with PostScript outlines are enabled in HTML during the HTML to PDF conversion. The default value is true
Public propertyPrerenderEnabled
Gets or sets a flag indicating if the HTML to PDF converter should perform a pre-rendering. The default value is false
Public propertyProxyOptions
Gets a reference to an object encapsulating the proxy options used by HTML to PDF converter to access the HTML document to convert.
Public propertyRenderedHtmlElementSelector
Get or set the CSS selector of the HTML element to be rendered to PDF by the HTML to PDF converter. If the selector selects multiple HTML elements, only the the first one will be converted. The CSS selector is case sensitive. If this property is not set then the entire HTML document is rendered
Public propertyServer
The HTML to PDF server IP or name
Public propertyServicePassword
Gets or sets the HTML to PDF converter service password. You have to set this property if the HTML to PDF service is password protected.
Public propertySvgFontsEnabled
Gets or sets a flag indicating if the SVG fonts are enabled in HTML during the HTML to PDF conversion. The default value is false
Public propertyTableOfContentsOptions
Gets a reference to the object controlling the automatic creation of a table of contents in the generated PDF document
Public propertyTriggeringMode
The conversion triggering mode used by the HTML to PDF converter. The default value is ConversionDelay.
Public propertyUseWebService
A flag indicating if the client library will call the Web service or the TCP service to perform the HTML to PDF conversion
Public propertyWebFontsEnabled
Gets or sets a flag indicating if the Web Fonts are enabled in HTML during the HTML to PDF conversion. The default value is true
Public propertyWebServiceUrl
The HTML to PDF web service URL
Public propertyXPSupplementalLanguages
A flag in HTML to PDF converter indicating if the supplemental languages (complex script, right-to-left, East Asian) support was enabled in Windows XP Regional and Language Options. The default value is false.

Public methodConvertHtml
Converts a HTML string to PDF using a base URL to resolve external resources and returns the rendered PDF document into a memory buffer
Public methodConvertHtmlToFile
Converts a HTML string to PDF using a base URL to resolve external resources and writes the rendered PDF document into a file
Public methodConvertHtmlToPdfDocumentObject
Converts a HTML string to PDF using a base URL to resolve external resources and returns the rendered PDF document as an object of the Document class that can be further used in other operations requiring this type of objects
Public methodConvertUrl
Converts the HTML page from the given URL to a PDF document and returns the PDF document in a memory buffer
Public methodConvertUrlToFile
Converts the HTML page from the given URL to a PDF document and writes the rendered PDF document into a file
Public methodConvertUrlToPdfDocumentObject
Converts an URL to PDF and returns the rendered PDF document as an object of the Document class that can be further used in other operations requiring this type of objects
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
See Also
