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Getting Started with EVO HTML to PDF Converter for .NET
Select to convert an URL or a HTML code, then select to convert to PDF or to an image and press the Convert button. When converting a HTML string the Base URL parameter helps the converter to determine the full URL of the CSS and images referenced by relative URLs in the HTML string.
Select HTML source:
Enter URL:  
PDF Open Mode:   

 C# Code Sample
    /// <summary>
    /// Convert the HTML code from the specified URL to a PDF document and send the 
    /// document to the browser
    /// </summary>
    private void ConvertURLToPDF()
        string urlToConvert = textBoxWebPageURL.Text.Trim();

        // Create the PDF converter. Optionally the HTML viewer width can be specified as parameter
        // The default HTML viewer width is 1024 pixels.
        PdfConverter pdfConverter = new PdfConverter();

        // set the license key - required
        pdfConverter.LicenseKey = "B4mYiJubiJiInIaYiJuZhpmahpGRkZE=";

        // set the converter options - optional
        pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.PdfPageSize = PdfPageSize.A4;
        pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.PdfCompressionLevel = PdfCompressionLevel.Normal;
        pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.PdfPageOrientation = PdfPageOrientation.Portrait;

        // set if header and footer are shown in the PDF - optional - default is false 
        pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.ShowHeader = cbAddHeader.Checked;
        pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.ShowFooter = cbAddFooter.Checked;
        // set if the HTML content is resized if necessary to fit the PDF page width - default is true
        pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.FitWidth = cbFitWidth.Checked;

        // set the embedded fonts option - optional - default is false
        pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.EmbedFonts = cbEmbedFonts.Checked;
        // set the live HTTP links option - optional - default is true
        pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.LiveUrlsEnabled = cbLiveLinks.Checked;

        // set if the JavaScript is enabled during conversion to a PDF - default is true
        pdfConverter.JavaScriptEnabled = cbClientScripts.Checked;

        // set if the images in PDF are compressed with JPEG to reduce the PDF document size - default is true
        pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.JpegCompressionEnabled = cbJpegCompression.Checked;

        // enable auto-generated bookmarks for a specified list of HTML selectors (e.g. H1 and H2)
        if (cbBookmarks.Checked)
            pdfConverter.PdfBookmarkOptions.HtmlElementSelectors = new string[] { "H1", "H2" };

        // add HTML header
        if (cbAddHeader.Checked)
        // add HTML footer
        if (cbAddFooter.Checked)

        // Performs the conversion and get the pdf document bytes that can 
        // be saved to a file or sent as a browser response
        byte[] pdfBytes = pdfConverter.GetPdfBytesFromUrl(urlToConvert);

        // send the generated PDF document to client browser

        // get the object representing the HTTP response to browser
        HttpResponse httpResponse = HttpContext.Current.Response;

        // add the Content-Type and Content-Disposition HTTP headers
        httpResponse.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/pdf");
        if (radioAttachment.Checked)
            httpResponse.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", String.Format("attachment; filename=GettingStarted.pdf; size={0}",
            httpResponse.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", String.Format("inline; filename=GettingStarted.pdf; size={0}", 

        // write the PDF document bytes as attachment to HTTP response 

        // Note: it is important to end the response, otherwise the ASP.NET
        // web page will render its content to PDF document stream