EVO Word to PDF Converter Namespace
Class | Description | |
AddElementResult |
The result of adding a PDF element to the renderer
| |
AddTextElementResult |
The result of adding a text element to the renderer
| |
AfterRenderPdfPageParams |
Represents the parameters of the AfterRenderPdfPageEvent event
| |
BeforeRenderPdfPageParams |
Represents the parameters of the BeforeRenderPdfPageEvent event
| |
BeforeRenderTemplateInPdfPageParams |
Represents the parameters of the BeforeRenderInPdfPageEvent event
| |
BezierCurveElement |
Represents a Bezier curve element to be rendered in a PDF document
| |
Bookmark |
This class represents a bookmark in the PDF document used to outline a section of the PDF document
| |
BookmarksCollection |
Represents a collection of bookmarks of a document.
| |
CircleElement |
This class represents a circle element that can be added to a PDF document
| |
DigitalCertificate |
This class represents a certificate used for digital signatures
| |
DigitalCertificatesCollection |
This class is used to manage a collection of certificates.
| |
DigitalCertificatesStore |
Provides and interface for getting digital certificates from system certificates store or from a password protected
PKCS#12 file.
A PKCS#12 file stores both the private and the public keys and such a file can be for example a file with extension .pfx
generated by IIS from the SSL certificate installed for a website.
| |
DigitalSignatureElement |
Represents a digital signature in the PDF document
| |
Document |
This class encapsulates a PDF document and can be used to create a new PDF document or to load an existing PDF document
| |
DocumentInformation |
This class encapsulates the options to control the PDF document description (author, title, keywords, etc).
The Document class exposes a reference to an object of this type in the DocumentInformation property
| |
DocumentOpenAction |
Encapsulates a Go To, JavaScript, Submit Form or Reset Form action to be performed when the document is opened.
| |
DocumentViewerPreferences |
Represents the viewer preferences of the PDF document
| |
ElementsRenderer |
Base class for classes capable of rendering page elements
| |
EllipseArcElement |
Represents an ellipse arc element
| |
EllipseElement |
This class represents an ellipse element that can be added to a PDF document
| |
EllipseSliceElement |
This class represents an ellipse slice element that can be added to a PDF document
| |
ExplicitDestination |
Represents a destination in the PDF document for links, bookmarks and other interactive PDF features.
| |
ExternalPdfPageAddedParams |
Represents the parameters of the ExternalPdfPageAddedEvent event
| |
FileAttachmentElement |
This class represents a file attachment in the PDF document
| |
FileLinkElement |
This class represents a link to an external file in a PDF document
| |
FontCollection |
Represents a collection of fonts in a PDF document.
| |
GradientColor |
Used to fill a shape
| |
ImageElement |
Objects of this class can be added to a PDF document to render images
| |
InternalLinkElement |
This class represents an internal link element in the PDF document which can be used to connect various sections of a PDF document
| |
LineElement |
This class represents a line element that can be added to a PDF document
| |
LineStyle |
The line style for a graphic element which draws lines
| |
LinkUrlElement |
This class represents a link to an URL in a PDF document.
| |
Margins |
This class represents the dimensions of the margins of a PDF page
| |
PageCollection |
This class represents a collection of pages of in a PDF document
| |
PageElement |
This abstract class is the base class for all elements that can can be added in a PDF document
| |
PageGraphicElement |
This abstract class is the base class for all graphic elements that can be added to a PDF document
| |
PathElement |
Represents a graphic path element to be rendered in a PDF document
| |
PdfAction |
Base class for the Go To, JavaScript, Submit Form or Reset Form actions
| |
PdfActionGoTo |
Represents a Go To action in the PDF document.
| |
PdfActionJavaScript |
Represents a JavaScript action in the PDF document.
| |
PdfColor |
Represents a PDF color
| |
PdfDocumentException |
Exception thrown by the Word to PDF converter library
| |
PdfDocumentInfo |
This class encapsulates the options to control the PDF document
description (author, title, keywords, etc). The WordToPdfConverter class exposes
a reference to an object of this type in the PdfDocumentInfo property.
| |
PdfDocumentOptions |
This class encapsulates the options to control the PDF document
redering process. The WordToPdfConverter class define
a reference to an object of this type.
| |
PdfElement |
The base class for the PDF elements that can be added to header and footer.
| |
PdfFont |
This class represents a font that can be added to a PDF document and used by the text elements
| |
PdfFooterOptions |
This class encapsulates the options to control the appearance of the
footer in the rendered PDF document. The WordToPdfConverter class exposes a
a reference to an object of this type in PdfFooterOptions property. If the ShowFooter property of the PdfDocumentOptions
object exposed by the PdfDocumentOptions property is false, the footer options have no effect.
| |
PdfForm |
This class represents the PDF form of a PDF document
| |
PdfFormAutoFieldStyle |
This class offers the necessary properties and methods to control the style of the automatically generated PDF form fields
| |
PdfFormButton |
Represents a button in a PDF form
| |
PdfFormCheckBox |
Represents a check box in a PDF form
| |
PdfFormComboBox |
Represents a combo box in a PDF form
| |
PdfFormField |
This class represents a field in the PDF form of a PDF document
| |
PdfFormFieldsCollection |
This class represents a collection of fields in the PDF form of a PDF document
| |
PdfFormFieldStyle |
This class represents the style of a PDF form field in a PDF document
| |
PdfFormListBox |
Represents a list box in a PDF form
| |
PdfFormRadioButton |
Represents a radio button in a radio buttons group
| |
PdfFormRadioButtonsGroup |
Represents a group of radio buttons in a PDF form
| |
PdfFormTextBox |
Represents a text box in a PDF form
| |
PdfHeaderOptions |
This class encapsulates the options to control the appearance of the
header in the rendered PDF document. The WordToPdfConverter class exposes a
a reference to an object of this type in PdfHeaderOptions property. If the ShowHeader property of the PdfDocumentOptions
object exposed by the PdfDocumentOptions property is false, the header options have no effect.
| |
PdfPage |
Represents a PDF document page
| |
PdfPageSize |
This class represents a PDF page size.
| |
PdfResetFormAction |
Represents a Reset action in a PDF form
| |
PdfSecurityOptions |
This class encapsulates the options to control the PDF document
security options. The WordToPdfConverter class define
a reference to an object of this type in PdfSecurityOptions property.
| |
PdfSubmitFormAction |
Represents a Submit action in a PDF form
| |
PolygonElement |
Represents a polygon in a PDF document
| |
PrepareRenderPdfPageParams |
Represents the parameters of the PrepareRenderPdfPageEvent event
| |
RectangleElement |
This class represents a rectangle in a PDF document
| |
Security | ||
SoundLinkElement |
Represents a link to a sound file in PDF
| |
Template |
Represents a template element which can be repeated in all PDF document pages.
You can use variables like current PDF page number and the total number of PDF pages in a template.
| |
TemplateCollection |
This class represents the collection of templates in PDF document. A template element can be repeated in all PDF document pages.
of the document.
| |
TextElement |
Represents a text element to be added to a PDF page or template.
| |
TextNoteElement |
Represents a text annotation in the PDF page.
| |
UnitsConverter |
Converts between various graphic units (pixels, points, etc).
| |
ViewerPreferences |
Represents the viewer preferences of the PDF document generated by the converter
| |
WordConvertException |
This class represents an exception thrown by the Word to PDF Converter library.
| |
WordToPdfConverter |
This class is the main class of the Word to PDF Converter which offers the necessary methods to create a PDF document from
a Word file or a Word stream. The generated PDF document can be saved into a memory buffer or into a file
Delegate | Description | |
AfterRenderPdfPageDelegate |
Represents the delegate for the AfterRenderPdfPageEvent event
| |
BeforeRenderPdfPageDelegate |
Represents the delegate for the BeforeRenderPdfPageEvent event
| |
BeforeRenderTemplateInPdfPageDelegate |
Represents the delegate for the BeforeRenderInPdfPageEvent event
| |
ExternalPdfPageAddedDelegate |
Represents the delegate for the ExternalPdfPageAddedEvent event
| |
PrepareRenderPdfPageDelegate |
Represents the delegate for the PrepareRenderPdfPageEvent event
Enumeration | Description | |
Blending |
The blending function for transparent rendering mode.
| |
CertSystemStore |
This enumeration represents the possible diital certificates stores in a system
| |
ColorProfile |
This enumeration represents the color profiles of PDF document
| |
ColorSpace |
This enumeration contains the possible color spaces of a PDF document
| |
DestinationViewMode |
The view mode when an explicit destination is displayed in the viewer.
| |
EncryptionAlgorithm |
This enumeration contains the possible values of the encryption algorithm used to encrypt a PDF document
| |
EncryptionKeySize |
This enumeration contains the possible values of the length of the encryption key used to encrypt a PDF document
| |
FileAttachmentIcon |
This enumeration contains the possible types of icons used in PDF to mark a file attachment
| |
GradientDirection |
This enumeration represents the possible directions of the gradient color in a PDF document
| |
HorizontalTextAlign |
This enumeration contains the possible values of the horizontal alignment of the text in PDF documents.
| |
LineCapStyle |
The line cap style
| |
LineDashStyle |
Specifies the style of a dashed line.
| |
LineJoinStyle |
This enumeration represents the possible styles to join the lines in a PDF document
| |
PdfBookmarkStyle |
This enumeration represents the possible styles of a bookmark in a PDF document
| |
PdfBorderStyle |
This enumeration represents the possible border styles in a PDF document
| |
PdfCompressionLevel |
This enumration represents the possible compression levels that can be used when a PDF document is saved
| |
PdfFontType |
The list of supported fonts for the header and footer
| |
PdfFormSubmitFlags |
The submit form action flags to be combined to express various characteristics of the action
| |
PdfPageOrientation |
This enumeration represents the possible orientations of the PDF pages of a PDF document
| |
PdfStandardSubset |
This enumeration represents the possible standards used by a PDF document
| |
RotationAngle |
Standard rotation angles for PDF pages.
| |
StandardCJKFont |
The Korean-Japanesse-Chinese (CJK) predefined fonts.
| |
StdFontBaseFamily |
This enumeration contains the possible standard font families in a PDF document.
| |
TemplateAnchoring |
This enumeration represents the possible anchoring positions of the PDF template in a PDF page
| |
TemplateDocking |
The docking style of a PDF template in PDF page.
| |
TextNoteIcon |
Defines set of text annotation types.
| |
VerticalTextAlign |
This enumeration contains the possible values of the vertical alignment of the text in PDF documents.
| |
ViewerFullScreenExitMode |
Used in ViewerPreferences to specify how to display the document on exiting full-screen mode
| |
ViewerPageLayout |
A name object specifying the page layout to be used when the
document is opened.
| |
ViewerPageMode |
A name object specifying how the document should be displayed when opened.
| |
ViewerTextOrder |
Used in ViewerPreferences to specify the predominant reading order for text.