EVO PDF Viewer Control for .NET Windows Forms Documentation

PdfViewerSetViewScroll Method

EVO PDF Viewer Control for .NET Windows Forms
Sets the view of a page according to the specified string. Depending on the view mode, the page is either scrolled to the right or scrolled down by the amount specified in offset.

Namespace:  PdfViewer4WinNet
Assembly:  EvoPdfViewerWinForms (in EvoPdfViewerWinForms.dll) Version: (

public void SetViewScroll(
	string viewMode,
	float offset


Type: SystemString
Possible values: "Fit": fits the entire page within the window both vertically and horizontally. "FitH": fits the entire width of the page within the window. "FitV": fits the entire height of the page within the window. "FitB": fits the bounding box within the window both vertically and horizontally. "FitBH": fits the entire width of the bounding box within the window. "FitBV": fits the entire height of the bounding box within the window.
Type: SystemSingle
The horizontal or vertical coordinate positioned either at the left or top edge.
See Also
