EVO Excel to PDF Converter

DigitalCertificatesStoreGetCertificates Method (String, String)

EVO Excel to PDF Converter Documentation
Gets the certificates collection from the specified password protected PKCS#12 file. A PKCS#12 file stores both the private and the public key and such a file can be for example a file with extension .pfx generated by IIS from the SSL certificate installed for a website.

Namespace:  EvoExcelToPdf
Assembly:  evoexceltopdf (in evoexceltopdf.dll) Version:

public static DigitalCertificatesCollection GetCertificates(
	string certFileName,
	string password


Type: SystemString
The path of the .pfx or .p12 file storing the certificates.
Type: SystemString
The password used to decrypt and verify the PFX packet. This password must be exactly the same as the password that was used to encrypt the packet. If the password used to encrypt the packet was blank, pass NULL for the value of this parameter.

Return Value

Type: DigitalCertificatesCollection
The certificates collection.
See Also
